Demand forecasting How many of what thing do you need and where will we need them? (Enables lean inventory and prevents out of stock situations.) revenue impact: supports growth an...
Demand forecasting How many of what thing do you need and where will we need them? (Enables lean inventory and prevents out of stock situations.) revenue impact: supports growth an...
Credit risk Treasury or currency risk How much capital do we need on hand to meet these requirements? Fraud detection predicting whether or not a transaction sh...
Call centers Call routing (ie determining wait times) based on caller id history, time of day, call volumes, products owned, churn risk, LTV, etc. Call center message optimizat...
Resume screening scores resumes based on the outcomes of past job interviews and hires Employee churn predicts which employees are most likely to leave Tra...
Claims review prioritization payers picking which claims should be reviewed by manual auditors Medicare/medicaid fraud Tackled at the claims processors, EDS is the b...
Credit card fraud Banks need to prevent, and vendors need to prevent
Pricing Optimize per time period, per item, per store Was dominated by Retek, but got purchased by Oracle in 2005. Now Oracle Retail. Formerly JDA, now Blue Yonder is also a ...
Claims prediction Might have telemetry data Claims handling (accept/deny/audit), managing repairer network (auto body, doctors) Price sensitivity Inves...
Contractor performance Identifying contractors who are regularly involved in poor performing products Design issue prediction Predicting that a construction project ...
Identifying biomarkers for boxed warnings on marketed products Drug/chemical discovery & analysis Crunching study results Identifying negative responses (monitor s...