
Data Engineering Techstack


Data engineering is the field of designing and managing the architecture, infrastructure, and processes for collecting, storing, and processing data in a way that is reliable, scalable, and efficient. It focuses on ensuring that data is available, accessible, and ready for analysis by data scientists, analysts, and other stakeholders within an organization.

Below is modern architecture for data engineering. This article provides a brief description of each component of this architecture and provides the tools that can be used to achieve this architecture.

flowchart LR

  subgraph Governance
    subgraph Orchestrate
      subgraph Warehouse

      Stream --> Warehouse
      Extract --> Warehouse
  Mart --> Analyse
  Load --Transform--> Mart


Data extract typically refers to a subset or snapshot of data extracted from a source system, such as a database or application, for the purpose of further processing, analysis, or storage

 flowchart LR

  opensource[/Open source/] 
  extract --> opensource
  opensource --> Airbyte 
  opensource --> Meltano
  opensource --> Singer 

  closedsource[/Closed source/] 
  adf[Azure Data Factory]
  aws_glue[AWS Glue]
  extract --> closedsource
  closedsource --> Fivetran 
  closedsource --> Stitch 
  closedsource --> adf
  closedsource --> aws_glue 


Data streaming is the real-time or near-real-time continuous flow of data from various sources to a destination, such as a data processing system or storage, without the need for storing the entire dataset at once.

 flowchart LR

  opensource[/Open source/] 
  streaming --> opensource
  kafka[Apache Kafka]
  opensource --> kafka

  closedsource[/Closed source/] 
  streaming --> closedsource
  kinesis[AWS Kinesis]
  closedsource --> beam
  closedsource --> kinesis


A data warehouse is a specialized, centralized repository that stores large volumes of data collected from the extract and streaming. It is designed to support complex querying and reporting, providing a historical and integrated view of data that enables efficient data analysis and informed decision-making.

 flowchart LR


  opensource[/Open source/] 
  warehouse --> opensource

  spark[Apache Spark]
  opensource --> spark
  opensource --> druid

  closedsource[/Closed source/] 
  warehouse --> closedsource
  bq[Google Big Query]
  redshift[Amazon Redshift]

  closedsource --> bq
  closedsource --> redshift
  closedsource --> Snowflake


Orchestration refers to the coordination and management of data processing tasks and workflows in a systematic and automated manner. It involves designing, scheduling and monitoring the execution of data pipelines and processes to ensure data is collected, transformed, and loaded efficiently and reliably across various systems and stages of the data lifecycle

 flowchart LR


  airflow[Apache Airflow] 
  orchestration --> airflow
  orchestration --> Dagster
  orchestration --> Prefect


Transformation refers to the process of converting and altering data from its original format into a desired structure or schema. This can involve various operations like filtering, aggregating, cleaning, and enriching the data to make it suitable for analysis, reporting, or storage in a data warehouse or other systems.

 flowchart LR


  opensource[/Open source/] 
  transform --> opensource

  opensource --> dbt

  closedsource[/Closed source/] 
  transform --> closedsource
  closedsource --> coalesce


Governance refers to the set of policies, processes, and controls put in place to ensure the quality, security, and compliance of data throughout its lifecycle. It involves establishing guidelines for data collection, storage, access, and usage, as well as implementing mechanisms for data auditing, monitoring, and enforcement to maintain data integrity and align with regulatory requirements.

 flowchart LR


  opensource[/Open source/] 
  governance --> opensource

  open_metadata[Open Metadata]
  opensource --> open_metadata

  closedsource[/Closed source/] 
  governance --> closedsource
  closedsource --> DataHub
  closedsource --> great_excpectations
  closedsource --> Amundsen
  closedsource --> castor
  closedsource --> atlan


Analysis refers to the process of examining and interpreting data to derive meaningful insights, trends, and patterns that can inform decision-making and provide valuable information to an organization. It typically involves the use of various tools, techniques, and algorithms to explore and extract valuable information from large datasets.

 flowchart LR


  opensource[/Open source/] 
  analysis --> opensource

  opensource --> Metabase

  closedsource[/Closed source/] 
  analysis --> closedsource
  closedsource --> Looker
  closedsource --> Tableau
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