

  • Predicting Lifetime Value (LTV)
    • what for: if you can predict the characteristics of high LTV customers, this supports customer segmentation, identifies upsell opportunties and supports other marketing initiatives
    • usage: can be both an online algorithm and a static report showing the characteristics of high LTV customers
  • Wallet share estimation
    • working out the proportion of a customer’s spend in a category accrues to a company allows that company to identify upsell and cross-sell opportunities
    • usage: can be both an online algorithm and a static report showing the characteristics of low wallet share customers
  • Churn
    • working out the characteristics of churners allows a company to product adjustments and an online algorithm allows them to reach out to churners
    • usage: can be both an online algorithm and a statistic report showing the characteristics of likely churners
  • Customer segmentation
    • If you can understand qualitatively different customer groups, then we can give them different treatments (perhaps even by different groups in the company). Answers questions like: what makes people buy, stop buying etc
    • usage: static report
  • Product mix
    • What mix of products offers the lowest churn? eg. Giving a combined policy discount for home + auto = low churn
    • usage: online algorithm and static report
  • Cross selling/Recommendation algorithms/
    • Given a customer’s past browsing history, purchase history and other characteristics, what are they likely to want to purchase in the future?
    • usage: online algorithm
  • Up selling
    • Given a customer’s characteristics, what is the likelihood that they’ll upgrade in the future?
    • usage: online algorithm and static report
  • Channel optimization
    • what is the optimal way to reach a customer with certain characteristics?
    • usage: online algorithm and static report
  • Discount targeting
    • What is the probability of inducing the desired behavior with a discount
    • usage: online algorithm and static report
  • Reactivation likelihood
    • What is the reactivation likelihood for a given customer
    • usage: online algorithm and static report
  • Adwords optimization and ad buying
    • calculating the right price for different keywords/ad slots
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